Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I like to eat cookies. Madeline prefers her daddy's legs.

I am in love with butterscotch oatmeal cookies. For some reason, they make my soul happy. And although it may be an illusion, they seem healthier than brownies, so I have less guilt. It's probably a good thing that I don't usually have tons of butterscotch chips around the house. Or that I don't have time to bake much, with Madeline being Madeline. Along with her new found mobility has come an insecurity in being too far away from Mom, and a desire to be held a lot. I'm thinking it's the beginning of separation anxiety, which should be an awesome time in our lives. To add to the delightful mix, I think she's starting to teeth as well. She's pretty happy anyway, but it makes her a little more cranky overall. Jessie and I are getting better equipped to handle all of these lovely changes. We installed a tall gate that makes Jessie feel like a prisoner, which is kind of fun. Jessie lowered Madeline's crib so that she can't pull herself out and die, which makes her unhappy, but makes me feel a lot better. And Jessie lets Madeline chew on his leg when she needs to exercise the ol' gums, even though it apparently tickles. What a good daddy.

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