Thursday, September 11, 2008

Five months old is nothing to sneeze at.

I don't usually get too excited over Madeline's monthly milestones (not like I do with the rolling over and sitting up and all of that.) But this morning, for some reason, five months old sounded really old. A lot older than three or four. So Madeline and I had a five-month old photo shoot, and celebrated for five minutes. In honor of your five month old birthday, my little princess, this post is dedicated to you. Doesn't she look excited that it's her birthday? It would be better if I could give her cake, but she's not yet progressed to solids other than rice cereal, oatmeal, ice cream, and mashed potatoes. And the occasional pasta sauce when we eat out and she's trying to grab our plates.

To celebrate this five month milestone, Madeline's been cutting me a break at night, and not waking up until 4 am. It's not sleeping through the night, but I'll take it, and rejoice in only waking up once. Hopefully this is her gift to me, and it will continue from now on. Many thanks from you grateful mother, Madeline. Hope your birthday is as fun for you as sleeping was for me.

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