Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My house is clean, and this validates me.

My house smells like Pine Sol. This makes me very happy. It hasn't smelled this potent since I had the Pine Sol fetish at the end of my pregnancy. I also got to cross a few more things off my to do list, which also makes me happy. I don't know if I've ever finished crossing off all the things off of one of my lists. Whenever I go on a trip, I make a giant list of things to pack, and although they usually all make it in, I don't ever get to cross them all off. There's always the stuff to pack at the last minute- my toothbrush, or Madeline's diapers, or a cooler full of ice. I hate the time in between when we actually leave, and when I finish packing everything that's not last minute. I feel unproductive, because there are all these things on my list that STILL NEED TO BE PACKED. But I can't pack them. I hate being unfulfilled. If I get everything crossed off my current to do list, I think I'll celebrate. I just won't write "celebrate" on the list. Or it will never get crossed off.

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