Wednesday, July 30, 2008

My first car (sort of)

Due to the unfortunate mishap our old car encountered in that southern town we will not mention, we get to buy a new car. I'm kind of excited. I've never really bought my own car. I used my parent's car in high school, and was very attached to it, but it never belonged to me. I walked most everywhere in college, which was considerably better for my health, but not so fun when it came to grocery shopping. Then, I married Jessie, and we used his car- but it never really felt like my own. Jessie was the one who bought it, who cleaned it, who drove it most of the time, and I think he was a lot more attached to it than I was (although his attitude changed drastically this past year as it broke down every two months. But that's a different story.) This is the first time I've ever gotten to go car shopping and buy my own car. A momentous occasion, indeed. The funny part is, Jessie will probably put more effort into buying it than I will, because he's got a lot more know-how and preferences about cars. I just basically want something that won't break down in a year. So, we're going to try this car shopping thing and see if it's a big pain. Wish me luck.

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