Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Madeline's latest exploits

Another day, another dollar, right? I continue to be amazed that one little baby can be so interesting, and how engrossed I become in every little thing she does. She's learning to laugh now, which is so cute. Especially since she finds the most random things to be hilarious. For instance, yesterday her favorite thing was for me to suddenly shout "spades". I think I may have to agree with my mother-in-law on this one- babies must smile and laugh at everything because adults become so ridiculous around them. I'd probably think it was funny if someone kept randomly shouting "spades" at me, too. (By the way, it's not totally random. We figured this out when we were playing pinochle with Jessie's parents, and Madeline thought it was hilarious whenever I chose a trump.) Madeline has also figured out how to grab her legs and toes, and it's her new favorite thing to do. Besides looking at herself in the mirror, of course. That's always a riot to her. Any day now she'll figure out how to roll back-to-front (she already knows how to roll front-to-back) and then I'll have no peace, because I have no doubt she'll be everywhere.

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