Tuesday, August 5, 2008

We have transportation. Yay.

So this is our new Hyundai Elantra! After a busy weekend of dragging Madeline all over to test drive cars, we happened upon a great deal in this 2004 Elantra. It was clear up in Kaysville, which was quite the drive, but both Jessie and I thought it was worth it for the price. It was a bit of a headache getting everything in order, since neither Jessie or I has ever had to get a car loan before, so we weren't quite sure how it worked. It involved a long time at the credit union, some miscommunication with the dealer, and driving to two different branches and Murray to boot. My favorite part, though, was when Jessie asked the credit union guy if they had pulled my credit history when they were checking us out for the loan. The guy was kind of amused, because as I could have told Jessie, I don't have any credit history. What a cute husband. :-) Anyway, we're pretty excited to have a car with air conditioning, and I'm pretty happy that I can now adjust the driver's seat after Jessie's done with it (something that was not possible in our old Contour.)

In other news, during our many wanderings, I got to see my mom's new kitchen, and it looks fabulous. Anyone who knows my mother should go see it. She'll probably get all flustered about the rest of the house being dirty, but just tell her you understand that they're remodeling and she has nothing to ashamed of. And don't tell her I sent you.

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