Thursday, August 14, 2008

Maybe a ghoul lives in my attic.

My house makes really strange noises. A lot. Even as I write this, I can hear things blowing down the now-boarded-up pipe in the spare bedroom, and it sounds like someone trying to crawl down into the house. The trees are growing all over the roof, and anytime there's the slightest wind, there is a lot of random loud banging. Also, I am fairly certain we've got a nest of birds in the attic and that various other animals use our roof as a track for Olympic training. It often sounds like there's someone coming up the walk on our rickety wooden bridge when there actually isn't. The sad part is, I'm fairly used to all these noises now, so if someone tried to break in or a giant tree fell on the roof I probably wouldn't bat an eye. The only noise I respond to anymore is the distinct cry of a certain four month old, which incidentally, I can hear anywhere in the house, sleeping or waking, no matter what volume she's pitching a fit at. I love selective hearing.

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