Friday, March 20, 2009

We bring you, in living color: the awesome, jam-packed 100th blog post

Apparently, you're supposed to mark your 100th post as a celebrated blogger and create beautiful digitally scrap-booked montages of your life and tell about your most memorable blog posts or something. Or not. This may be the official 100th post on my blogspot blog, but I wrote quite a few on Facebook before that, so I just figure I missed the whole hundreth note to the internet universe party thing. But to pretend I'm cool, here is post 100. With a bunch of random stuff. And a lot of pictures, which you don't usually get, because I am not cool like that.

I will only take one moment to comment on March Madness, as apparently that has dominated my posts the last few days. I'm sucking it up. And BYU and USU both sucked it up, one by looking like my high school could beat them, and one by making a three about twenty seconds too late. The only thing that could make things worse is if Utah wins. Then I will puke. Because I think Utah has exceeded their glory quotient for the year, and are now just being the perfect snot down the street you want to beat up because they can play soccer AND speak Japanese AND play Rachmoninov on the piano. Boo Utes.

And now, on to other things. Madeline was being ridiculously cute the other day with her doll, and rocking it, and talking to it, and although hundreds of other children have done it before, obviously I would be offended if you insinuated that any of them were cuter than Madeline. Therefore, pictures:

Also, I will now post about St. Patrick's Day. Because posting about St. Patrick's Day ON St. Patrick's Day is so overdone. I decided at the last minute to pretend to be cool and creative and make a green dinner for my family, so they will turn green.

Jessie thought I had made moldy food. Madeline liked the green mashed potatoes and gravy, but unfortunately thought they looked better on top of her head. With her green beans.

So that was our fun, exciting, festive St. Patrick's Day. Almost no one got pinched, and there was no kissing of random people who claimed to be Irish. But we did read Madeline some of her new books, which we got from DI, because I'm not spending more than a dollar on a book if Madeline is going to rip all the pages out. And here is a picture of the reading of the book, because Jessie doesn't get enough face time on this blog. Also I think it's cute, although I am incredibly and obviously biased.

And one last grand revelation and picture for your enjoyment. I chopped off all of my hair. I don't know what possessed me. Maybe it was spring fever, maybe I was just desperate to lose a few pounds. But we've lost eight to nine inches, and my head feels wonderfully light, but I may be having major haircut remorse. And Jessie might be forever scarred, because he liked the long hair, and didn't think I'd be crazy enough to lose so much when he gave me permission to do whatever I wanted, because it was my hair.

So there you have it. To sum up: I write a lot of blogs. I hate the Utes. My baby is cute, messy, and soemtimes green. My husband is literate. I have no hair. Enjoy your weekend.

1 comment:

J. said...

I loved having my hair short. It was easier to maintain. But for the first time in my life, I'm doing the exact opposite and growing it out!! It has never been past my shoulders, and I thought I'd see if the grass was greener on the other side of the fence... I'll let you know.