I have one or two or three things to say.
First. Go Cougars! I'm proud of you for winning. You nearly gave me a heart attack, but you pulled it off. Way to be.
Second. Max Hall. Dude. I know you were upset. I believe your family was probably not treated well last year, and that's a shame. But that doesn't excuse your comments. The whole two wrongs don't make a right thing, you know? It doesn't matter if anyone else has made rude comments in the past, or what the fans are saying. You're the quarterback and you should be held to a higher standard. If you can't say anything nice, etc. I sincerely hope you apologize, or if you don't, that the BYU football program makes it clear they don't approve of your comments. Because I think you ruined a great night for a lot of BYU fans, and gave the Utes considerably less respect than they deserved. Bad form, sir.
Third. To everyone else. Yes, Hall was classless. But so is ridiculing all of BYU because of what he said. That's what you're complaining about, isn't it? So I think it would be the "classy" thing for both sides to suck it up, let ALL the rude comments from everyone be forgotten if not forgiven, and focus on our respective bowl games. Let's try to bring a little respect back to our rivalry.
Okay. Off my soap box now. I feel better. Hope you do too.
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