Monday, November 16, 2009

The blog to explain all blogs.

So sometimes, I feel like I should blog more. And sometimes (like this week) I decide to take a famous "blogging break", only without the customary goodbye post to let you know I'm not blogging. That's for several reasons. The first is primarily laziness. If I have the time and motivation to write a blog post telling you I'm not going to blog for a while, I could just write a normal blog to amuse and show my blogging brilliance, which is far more fun. Also, I don't like committing to anything. If I should tell you it's a week long break and then come back two months later because I was having fun being a slacker, that would be dishonest. But if I told you it would be a month and then decided after three days that I have great and hilarious things you absolutely need to know, I'm just another Flaky Mormon Mommy Blogger (FMMB). I just can't take myself that seriously. So I live my life, blog when I feel like it, and write meaningless ramblings about the reasons and wheretofores on Monday nights when I'm bored. My life is awesome.

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