Thursday, February 26, 2009

A written record proving we did something today.

Today Madeline and I took a walk to the store, to prove we're not lazy wimps who sit and watch Judge Judy all day. (Which, we all know isn't possible anyway, because Judge Judy is only on an hour a day. Whew.) Madeline really liked being outside, and was pretty much bouncing up and down with joy the first two blocks. I don't know where she gets the energy. Mostly because she's bouncing up and down with joy half the day, and climbing on things or walking around the other half. I guess you know you're old when you like sitting still for longer than 30 seconds. The only time Madeline sits still that long is when she is unconscious. Even when she's eating a bottle, there's limbs flying and hair-grabbing and muffled talking, because she thinks it's cute to talk while she's eating. We'll have to work on that so she doesn't gross out future dates.

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