Monday, November 10, 2008

The many woes of Madeline Warner

Madeline doesn't like packing. We had a glimpse of this a few weeks ago, when we picked up her new high chair from WalMart. All the packing paper terrified her. Turns out she's not so fond of boxes either. (We're just hoping this doesn't extend to wrapping paper and Christmas boxes, or the holidays are going to be pretty traumatic.) Poor girl. Plus, she got really mad at me when she discovered I had packed up all the DVDs off the entertainment center, because it meant she couldn't play with them and throw them all on the floor. She leads a hard life. Oh, and she's finally getting some teeth, which means she can now bite me when she's unhappy. Fortunately, she hasn't really figured this out yet, so we're okay for now. But heaven help us if she ever links biting to her temper tantrums. If they weren't so frequent and depressing, I would love her temper tantrums. They're pretty funny. She climbs up next to you and bounces up and down and cries in short little grunts, and you're almost convinced that life on planet earth will cease to exist as we know it if Madeline isn't pacified RIGHT NOW. It's actually impressive. It's a good thing she's the most adorable little person you'll ever meet 90% of the time.

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