This morning I realized why Jessie's alarm clock is cooler than mine. It doesn't beep randomly in the night. It doesn't push you off the bed in the morning. And it has a snooze button. If anyone knows of a place you can buy these upgrades for a toddler, let me know. Price is no object.
So I have this conundrum. I decided I need a pregnancy ticker. Because I need affirmation that we're getting somewhere. And apparently it's the cool thing to do. I've been looking around the internet for something suitable. And the problem is this: they are all too cute. Go ahead, laugh at me. But I just can't bring myself to stick an adorable ticker with flowers and happy hearts and stuff on the corner of my blog. I'm just not that kind of a person. Even in anticipation of a cute little ball of adorableness. And all of the tickers I've found that aren't excessively cute are either excessively boring, or gender specific. I know, there's just no pleasing me. Aren't you glad these are the problems that keep me awake at night? My life is difficult. (Actually, this doesn't keep me up at night. There are plenty of other reasons to be up all night, and this doesn't crack the top one hundred. Just to clarify. Lest you think I actually obsess about pregnancy tickers that much.)
So there's my latest insignificant internet dilemma. Until I finally just crack and find a sickeningly sweet ticker and stick it on here. Under duress and with much protest, of course. Until then I'll just have to make Jessie do a countdown dance for me every night to keep track. He'll love that. Too bad there's no way to stick that on a blog.
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