Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Madeline Update

So Madeline had her year checkup today. Her doctor says she is a star. Mostly because she's always doing exactly what she should be, and has never been in to see the doctor because of sickness. Her stats, for her fans: height is 30 inches, 75th percentile; her weight is 20 lbs 2 oz, 25th percentile; her head is 46 cm, 50th percentile; and her cuteness is off the charts. She can officially face forward in her car seat now (which may or may not be a milestone she had already reached). Also, it's time to start weaning her off the bottle, which will be fun, because she thinks cups are for dumping or holding liquid to stick her hand into. She enjoyed trying to rip up the doctor's books and pulling open all the drawer full of tongue depressors and diapers while naked. That's my girl.

1 comment:

Emilee said...

that is cute and funny! she is so tiny to me! i can move my kids front facing at 8 months if i want (and i do, but dont rat me out to the cops!). and oh, the no more bottle really is a great time. i get to sick of having to make sure i always have one...good luck!