Friday, April 10, 2009

I twittered. You twittered. We all twittered.

So I recently decided to sign up for Twitter, because I had been hearing about it and wanted to know why everyone was abuzz with excitement. I hate it. I don't understand what you're supposed to do with it. I don't know why you would want to tell everyone what you're doing every second of your life, and stalk them back. Maybe I'm using it wrong. So far, I'm following a handful of people I used to know back when I had a life, a couple of news entities, and my husband's call accounting company. And no, I don't know why my husband's company is Twittering. Probably because Ryan Seacrest wants to know about hotel phone software. I'm following him, too. I don't know why. Maybe because my twittering feed thing looked really lonely and I needed someone who reliably Twitter random, meaningless things often to fill the space. It's like an endless Facebook status stream. I hate writing my Facebook status. And now I don't know what's meaningful enough to be twittered. Does Twitter care if I gave me kid a bath? Wrote a new blog? Watched Sid the Science Kid? I'm clueless. So I'll probably give it up in about a month. Or get irreversibly addicted. For word on how that goes, check Facebook. Good old safe Facebook.

1 comment:

J. said...

I've been wondering what all the twitter buzz is about to... maybe we'll have to see