Friday, May 8, 2009

She speaks, she speaks

Madeline has one of those cute books you use to record all her firsts. Her first tooth, first word, first step, etc. The only problem is, I don't know when half of them were. Her first steps. for instance. It was about three months from the time she first "stepped" to the time she attempted to take more than two at a time. By that time, I wasn't sure whether to count those first steps or not. Same with her first word. There was no clear defining moment when she "spoke" for the first time. So someday, when she asks me what her first word is, I'm going to have to lie and tell her she was mute until she was five and then spontaneously started speaking at a high school level. Unless "uh oh" counts. She's been using and understanding that one for months. A fitting first word for her, I guess. Certainly more interesting than "hi", which is the other word she's mastered. She likes to use that one in church in the middle of the sacrament. Really loudly. I know it sounds cute, but really people, it's not so amusing when it's your kid driving away the Spirit.

Speaking of talking, I've been trying for months to get Madeline to say "mommy", but she's a stubborn little bugger. And this led to her new trick:

Me: Madeline, say "mom"!

Madeline: Dad!

Me: No, "mom"! "MOM"!

Madeline: Dad! Dad!

Me: Madeline, please say "mom"?

Madeline: DAD!

Jessie thinks this is pretty hilarious. He promised Madeline a lot of treats if she kept it up. But he wasn't so amused after I showed him MY new trick:

Me: Madeline, who do you want to change your diaper?

Madeline: Dad!

Me: Madeline, who do you want to come get you when you wake up at 5 AM?

Madeline: Dad!

I'm pretty sure Jessie is now pursuing an intensive campaign to teach Madeline to say my name. What a great husband.

1 comment:

Emma Rae said...

That's the Cami genius coming out. Ha ha, Sweet! Good for you!