Monday, July 26, 2010

A day with Madeline makes you glad there's a night.

It was one of those days. Where it is easier to explain what happened by giving you a rundown of Madeline's activities. So, let me 'splain (no there is too much, let me sum up):

-Madeline broke the only VCR we have in the house and possibly ruined a video that doesn't belong to us in the bargain. And then got mad that she can't watch her videos.
-Madeline learned how to open the child lock on the fridge. And now we are on constant watch to protect the string cheese and the fruit punch.
-Madeline ripped a library book. Repeatedly.
-Madeline stole crackers from the pantry all day.
-Madeline repeatedly opened all the DVDs in the house and tried to put them in the computer and the DVD player. Luckily, I think they avoided scratching.
-Madeline pulled all the rags out of the drawer.
-Madeline wasted half a box of tissues because every time I head to blow my nose, she decided she needed to as well. She also wasted multiple wipes trying to change her baby's diaper.
-Madeline asked to go swimming and watch fireworks every five minutes.
-Madeline dumped all the clothes from the laundry basket and then used it as a stool to try and put on Daddy's shaving cream and deodorant.

I could go on. But you get the idea. Sometimes, I wonder if a sinus infection or a rambunctious two year old is more draining and exhausting. I think I'll go enjoy being sick for a few hours. Lest you get the wrong impression, let me say that I love the dear adorable girl. But bless whoever invented sleeping children.

1 comment:

Emma Rae said...

Haha! I laughed out loud when I read this! Please feel free to remind me one day that I thought two year olds sounded like a crazy adventure and that I laughed. It's a good idea I'm sure, to laugh and blog about such things. And it sounds like I should come to visit to give you a break sometime! Seriously, I think we need a game night at least before school starts!