Monday, July 11, 2011

An itty bitty post with a lot in it.

Ah, summertime. For some reason this month has been ridiculously busy, which means we've been going and going and crashing and going some more. In the last two weeks, we've babysat our nieces, attended a two day family reunion in Logan, celebrated the 4th of July, planned and carried out another two day family reunion, had my brother over, and died. Oh, and Jessie got a new calling (assistant ward clerk/assistant executive secretary. That's the actual title. I didn't make it up), and Kimberly learned to crawl and climb in the middle of this mess. So we're a little bit weary. In a good way. In a let's-not-do anything-else-for-a-week kind of way. Except we're going on a date Thursday to Harry Potter, which should be relaxing instead of exhausting, especially since we're going at seven instead of midnight. Booyah. More sleep for me. After that, no more doing anything. Ever. For at least two days. Anyway, that's all you get today. Because I'm doing nothing except laundry.

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