Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Kimberly "The bomb" Warner

Well, for those who haven't heard (all 2.5 of you), the little one is here! And we're just hanging out enjoying her. This momentous occasion means my normally non-visual blog deserves some pictures:

Introducing the amazing, the one, the only, Kimberly Leona Warner! Born November 8, 2010. 7 lbs 12 oz, 19 1/2 inches, 1794.32 on the Warner scale of cuteness. An absolute joy in the day we've had her. So, some frequently asked questions (or just stuff I want to make up):

The birth story: I'm not way into posting about every detail of labor. So no blow by blow of every dilation and push and whatnot. But an overview: I was induced one day past my due date. And no offense to all those people who love natural labors with minimal interventions, but it was fantastic. It was so relaxing to know when I was having the baby, to arrange for babysitting for Madeline, get all packed, enjoy a shower and all that jazz, and leisurely set everything up at the hospital. Getting an IV before you're in the midst of contractions is more awesome than in the midst of them. Anyway, the labor was about six hours, I had an awesome epidural, everything was fairly painless and easier than with Madeline, and Kimberly made her debut healthy and happy. And mom was healthy and happy too. Moral of the story: induction and epidurals are, in my opinion, the bomb.

The name: No story behind Kimberly. We just like it. We are well aware that she will probably end up being called by various people Kim, Kimber, Kimmy, Lopy, and CutestGirlEver. But for now, we call her Kimberly. Leona is my grandmother's name. My grandmother is also the bomb. Jessie would like to point out that Warner is our last name. Which is why it is also hers. We are also the bombs.

The baby: So far Kimberly has been a good baby. Which is what all mothers are obliged to say unless their babies have colic or sneak out at night to meet boys. She eats well, likes to sleep, likes to be held, poops well, and so far has a much quieter cry than our siren Madeline. So life is good. She has a lot of hair, cute chubby cheeks, and no longer kicks me at one in the morning. All reasons she is the bomb.

The sister: Madeline appears to adore the baby from the limited time she has been allowed to be in the same room with her. She has also tried to poke her eyes out, but we don't talk about that. She doesn't seem to grasp the concept that it's the same baby that has been much conversed about from my tummy, and she definitely prefers the name Lopy to Kimberly. Results on what happens when you keep them in the same house for more than half an hour are forthcoming. But I feel obliged to let you know that Madeline is also the bomb. Lest you accuse me of favoring one of my children.

The dad: Jessie likes the baby. He likes talking about his girls. He does not like sitting around hospital rooms, but does it anyway because he likes being a martyr. He was very helpful and supportive during labor as husbands should be, but probably only because there were about ten nurses sitting around ready to beat him up should he show any signs of not being the bomb.

The mom: Cami is pretty awesome. Feeling, all in all, about ten times better than after Madeline's labor. Enjoying the room service and all the buttons to move beds, turn on televisions, shut doors, and build Lego towers without having to expend energy. Cami is not the bomb. Cami is the bomb's mother.

The bomb: The bomb has been diffused. Nothing will be blowing up in the near future.

All other inquiries should be directed to our office of public affairs, located on the fifth floor. Life is good. We leave you with the visual representation of life being the bomb. Please feel free to disregard the strange look on my face and enjoy the baby cuteness and Jessie actually making an appropriate picture face.


Emilee said...

good job cam! so cute! and i LOVE the many pictures! thanks! ;D

Sara said...

Cami, you crack me up! I love reading your blog. Congratulations on your CutestGirlEver!!

Kate said...

That post, it was the bomb! Congratulations to all of you!

natalie said...

Congrats! What a cute little bundle!