Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Well it's that time of year again. New Year's Resolutions! Year in Review. Auld Lang Syne. All that good stuff. We had very few expectations this year of changing much and ended up hanging just about everything. Go figure. We were jut going to chill and plan and regroup. Which is why we never make plans, because things just seem to happen to us. In case you missed all the big stuff, here is a recap of all the big changes we didn't mean to make:

  • Moving, obviously. New house, new neighborhood, new ward, new school. No biggie. 
  • New callings. Nursery is the sweetest gig ever, people. I really don't know why it gets such a bad rap. Food, toys, singing, and no prep? Plus we only do it every other week.
  • We had Jessie's niece move in with us. That's been an eye opening experience, introducing us to the crazy and hazy world of teenagers. So now we have five kids under our roof. For a little while anyway. No one can accuse us of being sane.
  • Jessie changed jobs again. Right after we moved. Because why not just make everything crazy?     Now he works for a company here at Thanksgivong point. The commute is awesome. Changing insurances again, not so awesome. But c'est la vie.
So there's the major highlights. With all the unintended upheaval we caused this year, my goal for next year is pretty much to settle and go with the flow. By which I mean we'll probably take over a small country or build a stadium or something. But hey, let's pretend to make goals. And by that I mean pretend to make goals while really just  anticipating the craziness of next year. Okay. Good plan.

So let's start with Ethan. This year we're looking forward to nursery (2 months baby!), learning how to talk, maybe getting into a toddler bed, being ridiculously adorable, in crossing his eyes, and breaking many, many things but hopefully not bones. 

Spencer is excited to improve his grammar, start some at home preschool, learn more letters and numbers, learn all the lyrics to My Little Pony songs, and potty train. Eventually. Someday. Maybe.

Kimberly is psyched to continue preschool and kindergarten prep, learn to read, make some new buddies, learn to ride a bike, grow way too tall, and design ever more elaborate and creative outfits.

Madeline will be busy busy busy, finishing first grade and moving to second, riding a two wheeler, writing and illustrating novels, being a social butterfly, learning everything, and prepping for her baptism in a year and a half. (Say what?!?)

I will pretty much lay around and do nothing, when I'm not cleaning up the never ending tide of clutter and laundry, cooking, shuttling, exercising, doing homework, shopping, reading, trying to find my sewing machine so I can learn how to use it, and remembering to breathe once in a while.

Jessie anticipates lots of changes at work, rekindling his love of puzzles, fixing rand kings around the house, starting a exercise program, becoming a male model, and cleaning all the stuff I didn't.

I'm sure the year will go exactly as I've outlined, because we never do anything rash or crazy without a lot of forethought and planning. But whatever 2015 brings, here's hoping it's as awesome as life is with now. 

1 comment:

Emma Rae said...

A Male model, huh? How great!

How old is Jessie's niece? Sounds like an adventure, for sure!

Also, I hear you on the potty training thing. At the moment, it seems like getting my 1.3 year old excited about it is easier than trying to get his brother to catch on to the idea. Maybe over Spring Break!(like half of the other things on my to do list. ;) )