Thursday, February 9, 2012

Did you miss me?

I'm back. You can exhale. There is still no baby around here. I know that if I leave you all alone for too long you'll start suspecting things and going crazy with curiosity and your whole lives become meaningless because you're on baby watch with absolutely nothing else to think about, and I hate to do that to you. (Or is that just me?) Anyway, rest assured that we would never leave you out of the loop for that long. Aside from family, friends, and other people we know, my virtual community is absolutely my top priority when dessiminating information. And let's not kid ourselves, there will be pictures and announcements all over Facebook within about 48.3 minutes of birth. So fear not.

But let's all step back and wander to other topics for a moment, celebrating the estrogen in our little family. My other kids have somehow managed to survive baby watch thus far with minimal damage to their self esteem and physical motor skills. In fact, today we took Kimberly to the doctor for a checkup and the doctor pronounced her fit for jury duty. She's really, really, really tall. Like 99th percentile. Doc said if she keeps up above the ninetieth percentile til age two, she's going to be a tall person. Poor Kimberly is going to curse her genetics when she's looking for guys over six feet to date and they're all making out with the five foot two girls. C'est la vie. She's also still skinny despite consuming more than me at most meals. So maybe that'll be a consolation prize in her teenage years. She's getting pretty talkative and just a little bit sassy like someone else we know (cough, cough, Madeline, cough) but she's still so dratted cute we can't bring ourselves to get rid of her.

Speaking of Madeline, she's a little person these days instead of a toddler, and it keeps freaking me out. She loves Primary and her friends, and is very into having boyfriends. I don't know why. Maybe it's the in thing among three year olds right now. She quit taking naps and instead likes to do puzzles while I'm passed out on the couch. She nods knowingly when I am thus reclined and says things like "You have a headache Mom?" or "You can play on the floor and bend over when Ali Baba comes. Ali Baba is taking longer." She's eager to hold her brother, but in the meantime is practicing her mothering skills on Kimberly, mostly by bossing her around, trying to send her to timeout, or trying to brush her hair or send her to bed. She has to have everything just so, and often gets a hysterical need to clean at bedtime or when it's time to walk out the door. She also manages to keep us enamored with her though, usually by saying I love you unprompted at opportune times that conveniently change our minds about sending her to boarding school.

Oh. And I guess I may have mentioned this in passing, but ye faithful will probably already know that Jessie has a new job now. He now works for a company called Lendio, which is fun to listen to Madeline say over and over. Attask was good to us, but it was time to move on, and now Jessie can go get into trouble elsewhere and wreak havoc upon unsuspecting victims.

So that's the lowdown on us. I'd update you all on me, but you know how that's going. Let's just leave it at: nine months pregnant. Hope you are all having a grand February. Please don't take my blogging silence personally. Top secret and sensitive information and undercover missions and all that. You understand.

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