Saturday, October 8, 2011

A little bit of absoutely nothing.

Somehow my life got away from me and a week passed, and I have no idea what happened. Which is great when you need something to blog about. So I'll just basically be making stuff up today. You have been warned. Let's begin with a picture. Because whenever I make the effort to be decently dressed with my hair done, we get to take out the camera. The camera is sadly underused.This is us, just shy of 22 weeks. Don't mind the chaos. We just wanted to paint a realistic picture of our life for posterity. Kimberly is teething, so she doesn't like being ignored by both parents long enough to take a picture. Or she may be concerned about getting clobbered by her loving sister, who is unfortunately struggling with pushing, hitting, kicking, sharing, listening, obeying, and many other unimportant life skills. Fortunately for Kimberly, right now Madeline is struggling with concentration rather than physical violence. Probably saw a Pokemon or something. Oh, and there's me, being all pregnant and stuff. For fun, let's take a look at this picture as well.

Oh, the contrast. I knew there was another picture somewhere that looked somewhat similar. Only minus the circus. This is me pregnant with Madeline. Only I'm pretty sure that's less than two months before I gave birth. Whereas now at the same size I have over four months to go. I just love being large. And surrounded by my entourage. What a short few years will do to you. Different house, different furniture, different circumstances. That is the same ficus tree, though. Because that's how we roll. We are fiercely loyal to our fake foilage. Or just cheap.

Other than that, we are alive. I am enjoying the cold weather. The rest of the family is not. Phooey on them, I say. I want it to start snowing and not stop until March. Because maybe that will kill off all the orange cones that are native to our soil. We're looking forward to Halloween. If we make it that long. We might die of sugar poisoning or toddler induced hysteria before then.


Sara said...

I love reading your blog! Also, your hair is getting so long! Do the little ones pull it?

J. said...

I love how clean your house is pre-Madeline. That's how my house used to be pre-kids. Lol.