Thursday, September 17, 2009

My two cents on the most overblown talent show ever.

So we watched the finale of America's Got Talent last night. I thought I had become a country music convert, but chicken chaser man bugged the heck out of me. Was I the only one on the planet who thought he was just the smallest bit off on every prolonged note he sang? My poor ears were suffering. Needless to say, we won't be going to the strip to listen to him bawl his sad songs out of tune. I think Barbara Padilla got shafted because fat opera man won last year, so everyone was sick of opera. Sad day, because she was twenty times the singer he was. Sometimes I think America cannot think for itself and should always listen to me. But I do commend them for not choosing lewd swearing grandma to win. News flash, lady. Acting inappropriately crude for your age isn't that hilarious. Okay, I'm done critiquing. I'll go back to watching quality television. Madeline loves watching her Arthur.

1 comment:

annie (the annilygreen one) said...

i'm totally with you on this one. he sounds like someone making fun of a country his twang is fake and sarcastic.